Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Media verzwijgt olielekkage Noordzee...( Niburu)

Media verzwijgt aanzienlijke olielekkage Noordzee

Op 3 juni j.l. berichtte de Deense krant EPN.dk over de olielekkage die momenteel plaatsvindt in de Noordzee, 200 kilometer ten westen van de plaats Esbjerg in Noorwegen. De olielekkage van Danfeltet is nu uitgestrekt tot meer dan 300 vierkante kilometer.

De Telegraaf berichtte op 21 mei dat het olieplatform deels ontruimd werd na een incident en de Vlaamse krant HLN.be meldde een dag later dat het boorplatform van Statoil problemen had met het stabiliseren van de oliebron en dat deze op springen stond.

Vreemdgenoeg blijft de MSM berichtgeving nu steken tot berichten zoals: "Kan BP-ramp zich ook in Noordzee voltrekken?" en "Controle op Noordzee verscherpt", maar nergens wordt vermeld dat er inmiddels al een aanzienlijke olievervuiling heeft opgetreden.

Deze lekkage is dan qua omvang misschien niet te vergelijken met wat zich afspeelt in de Golf van Mexico, maar de BP liegt al zeven weken lang over de ernst van de situatie en we kunnen niet uitsluiten dat Maersk/Statoil eenzelfde werkwijze hanteert met het naar buiten brengen van informatie.

Ons team heeft hier enkele dagen geleden de gehele Nederlandse en buitenlandse media van op de hoogte gesteld, maar krijgen geen enkele reactie op het verzoek hier verder onderzoek naar te doen of hier minimaal aandacht aan te besteden.

Overigens zijn wel zeer te spreken over de doortastende en uitgebreide verslaggeving van HLN.be rondom de olieramp in de Golf van Mexico.

Redactie Niburu

Oil spills in the North Sea tripled
Oil spill from Danfeltet in the North Sea now covers over 300 square kilometers, but the coasts are not in danger.

Both Norwegian and German observationsfly have Thursday morning and morning overflown area in the North Sea, which happened Tuesday night was obseveret a major spill of oil from one of the many oil rigs in Danfeltet.

The oil, however, spread over a considerably larger area since then, said Mon Thursday morning in the Environment Agency.

"We have been informed by the Norwegian authorities that one of its surveillance has detected a leak of more than 300 square kilometers in an area 200 km west of Esbjerg. It is so far from coastal areas to the North Sea, there is no danger whatsoever for that oil will reach the coastlines, "explains engineer Anna Cecilie Skovgaard Environmental Protection Agency.

Oil evaporates quickly

Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency's assessment that the oil will evaporate relatively quickly along with the greater disclosure.

Oil spill is certainly happened in the Danish sector of Danfeltet, and also from the Danish side follow the developments closely.

"Maersk Oil has informed us that now is the promotion of the region with its preparedness and are ready to interpret such booms. We are waiting while the analysis of oil samples have been taken in the area, so we can get more knowledge from which oil comes, "adds Anne Cecilie Skovgaard from the Environment Agency.

Maersk itself has so far not seen anything unusual in its measurements, which show how much oil is discharged into the sea.

"Our data indicate no oil leaks, but we'd rather put environmental preparedness once again too much than too little a time," says Franz Willum Sørensen, vice president of Maersk Oil in a press release.

"We are currently reviewing the production from beginning to end to find a possible explanation. A thin film of oil does not mean that there is increased oil content in the treated water we emit, "says Franz Willum Sørensen.

Sunshine and wind in North Sea

Environmental Protection Agency says that the weather situation in the area is sunny and calm, which means that the oil evaporates relatively quickly, and the risk of oil spill reaches the Danish, German or Netherlands coast is assessed as mentioned therefore minimal.

Bron: EPN.dk (Engelse vertaling door Google)