Monday, June 14, 2010

Activiteit Kathla neemt toe... uitbarsting spoedig verwacht.. (

Major Activity Iceland Katla Volcano Over 11 Earthquakes in 24 Hours
Published by mygoditsfullofstars

May 5, 2010, Category: Earth Sciences 13 quakes near or at Katla in the last day…we are getting closer to an eruption!

(6/12/10) Wow, I thought the update from yesterday was pretty interesting, but this beats it, by a lot. 11+ earthquakes at Katla in the last 24 hours. 13 earthquakes total, including a couple on the outer ridge of the Katla area. This is the most I’ve ever seen show up on this map, at one time…I think this is very significant and we are getting closer to the eruption. I will keep an even closer eye on this because the activity is increasing quickly. Keep checking back and here is the link to view the quake locations:

(6/11/10) After quite awhile of little to no seismic activity around Katla, we are seeing some changes today. We’ve got 5 earthquakes in the last 12 hours, 2 of them are from the last 4 hours. We also have a brand new quake that has just shown up, right in between that small stretch of land between Katla and Eyjafjallajokull. This, to me, is a good time to keep on eye on things because, it was really quiet for awhile and then, out of nowhere, major activity. Major compared to nothing and very significant compared to what we’ve been seeing over the last few months, since Eyja woke up. I will update as soon as there are any new changes.

Read more in Earth Sciences
« Volcano Eruption in IcelandThe Theory of Continental Drift »(5/23/10) Huge update today. HISZ RSOE is reporting that there is volcanic activity at Katla CURRENTLY! This website is a superb source of up to date info on earthquakes, volcanoes, environmental hazards, etc. I became very familiar with this site while following earthquakes. There are no further details, but I will update as soon as I see that they have added more information.

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