ODC-VEBSN earthquake information
Time (UTC) Magn (Mb) Depth (km) Region Lat Lon
00:40:02 7.2 35.0 Vanuatu Islands -20.60 169.40
00:40:13 7.4 30.0 Vanuatu Islands region -16.00 162.90
00:42:02 6.7 32.0 Near west coast of eastern Honshu, Japan 37.50 136.40
01:08:19 6.0 35.0 Vanuatu Islands -20.80 169.40
01:08:42 6.7 30.0 South of Solomon Islands -14.40 158.30
03:44:28 5.7 30.0 Samoa Islands region -16.70 -170.80
05:09:18 5.7 30.0 South Pacific Ocean -5.00 168.50