ODC-VEBSN earthquake information
Time (UTC) Magn (Mb) Depth (km) Region Lat Lon
00:43:14 5.8 35.0 Mongolia 44.50 102.30
03:51:28 5.6 40.0 South Sandwich Islands region -59.50 -26.10
08:17:03 6.1 30.0 South of Fiji Islands -22.10 -178.10
08:17:36 6.0 144.0 Vanuatu Islands -15.10 167.40
15:08:39 5.5 10.0 Tonga Islands -15.40 -173.70
19:17:15 6.4 7.0 Near coast of northern Chile -27.00 -70.80
19:33:19 6.3 10.0 Tonga Islands -15.60 -173.10
19:33:50 6.3 30.0 North Pacific Ocean -0.90 -174.80
20:12:17 5.5 10.0 Near coast of northern Chile -26.80 -70.90